“Pressure room”探讨了心理压力的外化,让观众体验到心理压力的物理表现,并试图让观众对那些因不受欢迎的凝视和注视而感到压力的人感同身受。该项目的目的在于使各种类型的观众反思他人的感受,并对那些经常经历被不友好注视的人共情。该作品采用了互动装置的形式,即一个由沉重的充气黑气球组成的体验式 “压力盒子”,并结合旁观者的视觉体验,利用Arduino传感器触发室内的气球充气。
Pressure Room explores the externalization of pressure, allowing audiences to experience the feeling of pressure in a physical manifestation and empathize with people who feel stressed by unwanted stares and gazes. The project asks audiences of all kinds to reflect on the feelings of others and empathize with those who experience being stared at on a regular basis. The work employs interactive installation in the form of an experiential ‘pressure chamber’ consisting of heavy inflating black balloons and combines a visual experience for onlookers which triggers the balloons inside the chamber to inflate using Arduino sensors.