“未来快速商店”推测性地想象了在一个由所有快速事物驱动的消费世界中的未来品牌。这个 “商店 “出现在2042年,每月都有一个在线产品推出。这个项目将自己定位在推测性设计领域,通过社交媒体官方账户的品牌向公众传达一系列概念,并以此鼓励观众批判性地反思他们自己在当前的生活节奏。
Future Fast Store speculatively imagines the future of branding in a consumer world that is driven by all things fast. The ‘store’ appears in 2042, with an online product launching every month. This project positions itself in the field of speculative design, conveying a series of concepts to the public through the brand of a social media official account, and in doing so encourages audiences to critically reflect on the pace of their own lives at this current time.